Rose's Comet

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I love getting new yarn.

I finally got my yarn from KnitPicks and I'm in love with merino wool. I casted on for Salina and although my hand hurts from holding the #3 needle, I love how it's coming out. It's not stiff at all. I'm, also, almost done with my blue Flower Power sweater. At least the body part, I'm almost done. I don't know how some people could work several projects at once. Maybe it's because they don'e have any kids to run them ragged.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Flower Power the sequel

I'm knitting the sweater again in a blue yarn from TLC. It's about the same gauge. I hope turns out better than the first one. How I wish we have more time during the day to do everything we would like to do, such as knitting a whole sweater in one day and still have time to be a mother. Or make bracelets and necklaces and still have a good night's sleep because the only time to do any beading is when the baby is asleep.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Done for now

I finished the Flower Power sweater. It looks okay but I know it could be way better. I'm starting on another Flower Power sweater while I wait for my yarn from Knit Picks come in the mail. I hope this one turns out better than the last one.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hi, My name is Rosecomet and I'm a knitting addict.

I'm so trying to stretch the last of Flower Power sweater until I pick up more yarn. I just need a few more inches on the sleeve and I know that I won't have anything to do after that. Knitting is my therapy; 8 years ago, when my father passed away, it was total blow on me. I decided to learn on to knit so it can help me relax. It turned out that it actually help me move on. Now it's the anniversary of my father's death and I'm remembering the pain of losing him and not being able to say goodbye to him. I have to get some yarn soon.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Flower Power Action Part Deux 1/2

I'm almost done with the first sleeve. I must this has been an experience that I'm willing to do again. Knitting in the round gives me the peace of not worring of how the piece is going to look after sewing it together. Maybe it's the lazy Gemini in me that doesn't want to sit and seam for two days and a half. Anyway, my little Mighty Joanne Young won't let me. She could only sit still for so long. I love my baby girl.
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